Why you should become a member
The benefits to you and your professional development, the direct impact and the outcome for your organisation are just some of the most important reasons to become a member of Health Proc Europe.
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a first step. (Laozi)
We aim to be the transformation partner, accelerating our member’s journey to superior performance and transforming procurement into a critical business driver.
1. Develop your International Profile and Personal Reputation
- become a member of the future largest European Think Tank Platform in the field of Hospital & Health Care Procurement including the related supply chain topics
- be on the “radar screen” of various stakeholders as part of our ecosystem supporting your personal and professional development
- be actively engaged in our activities and events (e.g European Hospital and Health Care Procurement Congress in cooperation with Financial Times)
- become a crucial part of shaping tomorrow’s workforce in strengthening competences (e.g. become a “Health Care Procurement Professors” at our future Digital Health Care Procurement Academy
2. Access to valuable information for your daily work
- have fast, easy and Europe-wide access to information on health care procurement
- engage with your European peers
- have free access to the largest medical device database on price and product in Europe
– starting with 6 Mio. products and price benchmarks from 12 European countries
– create your proper 1:1 benchmark (“aut idem”) or a 1:similar benchmark (“aut simile”)
– access to an AI tool comparing products and prices across Europe for your specific request - have access to the European intelligence on references and examples helping you to prepare your discussions and negotiations with your internal networks (doctors and medical user/ external stakeholders (supplier from the med and non-med industry)
- be empowered in your role as a strategic procurer
3. Get ready for the digital future in Health Care Procurement
- get latest news and trends on what’s happening in digital procurement (e.g. AI tools
- get hands-on advice and practical tips on how to use and implement these in your organisation facilitating your daily work
- be well informed about new procurement B2B platforms and how this affects your daily work (e.g. Amazon) and learn about the latest developments in procurement (e.g. Value-Based Procurement, Vested)